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- the first teams start late summer 23/24

Two to three year education from +15 years

Start in 1st year or start in 2nd year with credits

the first students are registered...


First year

The first year mainly consists of

- Compulsory subjects at C and B level

- Physical mandatory meetings

- Self-study as well as online lessons



Second year

In the second year you participate in

- Compulsory subjects at B and A level

- Physical mandatory meetings

- Self-study as well as online lessons



Third year

In the third year, you will meet

-Subjects at B and A level

- Physical mandatory meetings

- Self-study as well as online lessons



What do you get?

Your studio is designed so flexibly that you can have work on the side or study as a digital nomad living or traveling abroad.

You receive certificates and evidence of your studies and subjects.

Your learning journey with us!



Skriv dig op som privatist studerende eller lav en aftale med din kommunale uddannelsesvejleder allerede nu om at starte på første årgang af vores ungdomsuddannelse til skoleåret 23/24 Her vil du møde fag, som klæder dig fagligt på til at afslutte med bedømmelser og certifikater, samt en vurdering, som kan benyttes som 'vidnesbyrd' på dine kompetencer og kvalifikationer efter endt uddannelse. ​Du vil blandt andet blive bedømt på dine færdigheder og kompetencer inden for specifikke fagrækker du selv har været med til at vælge udover de obligatoriske fag, som du skal følge for at blive certificeret på online ungdomsuddannelse.

Compulsory subjects and self-selected subjects

Som på enhver anden uddannelse vil du møde obligatoriske fag og samtidig vil du få mulighed for at vælge Obligatoriske fag og niveau der sluttes med - A-niveau (Dansk, evt. engelsk) - B-niveau (Engelsk, evt. matematik) - C-niveau (Matematik, Kulturfaglig samt naturfaglige faggrupper og et kunstnerisk fag) Herudover skal vælges mindst et valgfag på C eller B-niveau. Valgfag skal først vælges senere

How does it take place?

Du møder selvdisciplinen hos os, for det er dig som skal sørge for at følge de fag og opgaver, som du skal igennem for at nå omkring både de obligatoriske samt de selvvalgte fag og emner. For at give plads til fleksibilitet og muligheden for at du har et studiejob ved siden af vil du møde en blanding af selvstudie og fælles klassemøder på fastlagte datoer.

What you also meet with us

Our online education gives you flexibility and boosts your skills at the same time.

Your professionalism - your future

When you study with us, you will meet subjects and subjects that equip you professionally and challenge you to strengthen your skills and knowledge in various subject areas.

Certificates and testimonials

You will receive assessments and certificates, as well as evidence of your education.

*We are not an authorized education with access to SU, but the teaching is commensurate with the level


As long as you can access the internet and participate in our offline days, you are "good to go" and in that way you can take advantage of the flexibility to travel and study or work and study and have time for both.

Subject materials

You will receive a list of subject materials as well as  offline academic days before the school year starts.Some subject materials are purchased independently as a separate part of your individual subject package.

Do you also want to register?


Then we will look forward to meeting you and delving into knowledge with you.

You can register right here 👇

Monthly price


- 12 months are invoiced.  You can applyscholarship

- Covers subjects and teaching*

-Sibling discount of 15%

A full year


- Pay in one go and save on school expenses. A scholarship can be applied for.


- Covers subjects and teaching*

- Sibling discount of 15%

* Additional amounts will and may be added

- licenses, books, materials

- physical mandatory meetings

- trips etc.

Online Youth Education

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