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Did you know that?


af vores studerende er indmeldt via et samarbejde med kommune og distriktsskole eller via et samarbejde med jobcenteret.

Elever er tilmeldt onlineklasser, enkeltfag eller 1:1 undervisning


af vores elever i 9/10 klasse har i 20/21 samt 21/22 afsluttet grundskolen og er forsat videre i udd. systemet og/eller har job.

Vi fører til eksamen i samarbejde med distriktsskoler.


flere end hver tredje af landets kommuner, skoler, jobcentre og offentlige institutioner har - siden vores opstart 2019 - valgt at samarbejde fast eller løst direkte med os. De bruger vores løsninger til børn, unge og voksne.

I sparer

vores offentlige samarbejdspartnere sparer penge på deres budget ved at bruge os.

Spar yderligere ved at tilmelde flere elever med løbende aftaler.


af landets kommuner og offentlige institutioner har siden skoleåret 19/20 samarbejdet med os eller gør det forsat via tilsyn af privatistelevers undervisning samt via samarbejde med distriktsskoler om FSA til eleverne.

Together we promote learning and well-being

Benefits for you

Through a collaboration with us, you get another tool for the work of creating well-being and learning for children and young people in your municipality. The student is still enrolled in the municipal system. The focus is to help you help the young people regain their desire and faith in development and education.

Cooperation across municipal boundaries

Team up with other municipalities and achieve a 'collective discount' on pupil places*

Apart from the fact that it is super good for the students and can contribute to them getting to know each other across the country, it is positive for your local economy.

The possibilities

We offer various online courses and services and, depending on the student's location, also offline within, among other things, all subjects in primary schools and secondary education. The courses can also be developed specifically for the individual student.

We are flexible. If you miss an option, ask us.

Learning and development

Learning can happen in many ways. Therefore, we continuously work to develop different types of materials, products and courses, so that we hit as far as possible among the different learning styles students have.


Our Dragon+ school package includes automatic access to FrontRead

If it is not included in the selected package, it can be purchased additionally if necessary.

Other partners and opportunities

Our partner setups give you good advantages.

Either they are already integrated in the selected school package or they can be purchased separately.

Extras can be purchased for individual pupils or for all pupils in the municipality.


Here, reading speed and understanding of what is read is trained.

Students gain access via a membership specifically to our EduLearn OrdClub.

our Metaverses

We use metaverses in our teaching.

Our Minecraft Universe

Our students can access our Minecraft universe.


The children's base

We are part of Børnebasen. That is why you can also find us mentioned there. However, our offer is not always fully updated there, therefore we always recommend that you contact us if you miss an opportunity for children, young people, parents and for professional staff.

Some of the municipalities with which we have collaborated

about private individuals and municipally enrolled students👇


One of the important foundations for learning is well-being. There can be many reasons why children and young people do not thrive in everyday institutional settings. Regardless of the reason, a lack of well-being inhibits the desire to learn, as well as concentration there.

We give children and young people the opportunity to go to school online from home while they are - for a short or longer - time away from the fixed confines of the school.


Collaboration can be set up in several ways - however, the most important focus will always be the individual child or young person with whom we collaborate.

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