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Primary school

Online school

0-10 class

as well as 1:1 teaching

15-24 year olds

Secondary education

or STU Online


Lifelong learning

Knowledge sharing and networking

We are a national and international award winneronline schoolwith a global learning network for all ages.

Children, young people and adults.

Digital opportunities create a free framework - this increases the opportunity for learning.

We ask questions and seek knowledge, together!

Tanja Schjellerup - Stifter Skolen Online

It would have been great if the opportunities we create with Skolen Online had existed when I was a child. Technology has now made it possible and therefore in 2019 I went to the "drawing board" and created this global learning network & teaching environment for the children and young people of today and the future, as well as to strengthen the adults of the future. Today's children and young people.

Executive MBA, Cand. Baby. philosopher, certified 5L Educational Diplomat Leader, entrepreneur and teacher  - founder of Skolen Online
Onlineskole - Fokus på trivsel og læring

You invest in the adults of the future when you use us

Our committed team of learning facilitators at Skolen Online teach our students from 0th grade up to and including adulthood. In addition, you can also meet the team in our global learning network, as well as parent networks and our online clubs.

We enter our 5th school year in 23/24.

At the same time, we are expanding with our own Youth Education, as well as STU Online+

Uagtet om I har behov for onlineklasse, fuldt skema, enkeltfag, 1:1 online undervisning eller adgang til vores globale læringsnetværk, samt materialer mm, så har vi plads til jer.

Vores privatistelever er både bosat i Danmark og i udlandet.

Vi har samarbejdet med +60% af landets kommuner om elever som er tilmeldt via distriktsskoler, ppr, socialrådgivere, ungevejledere samt via samarbejde med tilsyn vedr. vores tilmeldte privatister.

Vi samarbejder også gerne med jer.

If you want to know what others are saying about us 👇

Onlineskolen dækker alle fag fra folkeskolen

Nu har skolen været i gang i 3 år. Vi er meget tilfredse." - Mor & Søn, Dreng 9. klasse

🙌❤️ - Mor, pige 8 klasse

Vi kan jo bare tage skolen med! Maksimal frihed.

Far & Mor, pige 4. klasse

xxxx har været rigtig glad for de opgaver. De har flyttet ham fagligt og trivselsmæssigt. Vi er glade for at kunne fortælle at vi har fået muligheden for at forsætte!

- Mor & Far, Dreng 6 klasse

Min søn deltager og har lyst til at lære igen samt snakke med lærere. Det er stort. - Mor, Dreng 7. klasse

Tak for din indsats! 🙂👍🏻 - Mor, Pige 9. klasse

Jeg ville ønske, at I havde eksisteret for flere år siden!

- Mor, pige 9. klasse

Tak for godt samarbejde i de forløbne måneder. Skolen Online har været en super hjælp til at sikre at xxxx i en svær tid ikke faldt helt ud af rytmen med undervisning og lektier; og hun har også fået i hvert fald en ny kammerat undervejs i forløbet. - Mor & Far, Pige 8. klasse

Tusind tak for alt, Tanja, og

hele teamet! I får vores varmeste anbefalinger!

- Far, pige 9. klasse

xxxxx har fået meget mere ro i kroppen efter han er startet hos jer. Tak! - Forældre, dreng 6. klasse

Det var en positiv oplevelse for XXXX at få lektiehjælp. - Mor, Dreng 5. klasse

Access to a full primary school as well as youth education or STU and courses for adults

There can be many reasons for choosing online school. With us, it will most often be with the primary goal of being able to finish primary school with a full FSA, an entrance exam or to take one youth education online, which strengthens your knowledge, skills and gives you the opportunity to  earn certificates and testimonials of your skills.

There are many reasons why people opt out or cannot follow traditional school, but still want and are able to receive learning. Our online classes are structured to provide access to a full curriculum that prepares students to finish school and continue into secondary education or employment.

Most students can and want to - at the same time each of them has their own reason for the need for other frameworks - including more flexible ones - to learn in. We are the school that sets students free to help build their own curriculum and boost their own development. And we do it online as well as offline. Our digital solutions as well as offline tours etc. provides the opportunity for learning under free yet structured teaching frameworks.

Learning can take place in many ways.

That's why we exist.

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